Self-Replicating Mine

These are Free-floating explosive device incorporating a replicator subsystem; invented by Rom at the beginning of the Dominion war. A field of self-replicating mines was extremely difficult to deactivate by duplicates. Starfleet personnel used self-replicating mines to blockade the Bajoran wormhole against a feared Dominion invasion in late 2373.

DS9 "Call to Arms"

The mines were extremely effective at preventing further Dominion incursions into the Alpha Quadrant, although the Dominion already had substantial assets deployed in Cardassian space. Unfortunately, Cardassian technicians were able to develop a means of using antigraviton beams to render the mines' replicators ineffective.

DS9 "Behind the Lines"

The minefield nevertheless remained operational long enough to delay a massive Dominion incursion, allowing Starfleet forces to retake Deep Space 9.

This is a Self Replicating mine, in its service configuration.

DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels"

Emmy-Award-nominated Star Trek: Deep Space Nine set decorator Laura Richarz used large plastic drums originally sold as garden composter's as the basis for Starfleet's self-replicating mines.

The minefields were eventually taken down by antigraviton beams generated by the Stations deflector array.

Reference from Star Trek Encyclopaedia and Deep Space Nine Technical Manual.


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Last edited by Adge - June 2005

Edition 1.2