
This is a device which is capable of creating matter from raw matter. The working principle of this device is related to the Transporter. The replicator disassembles and assembles matter in a similar way; the main difference is that its resolution is limited to the molecular level.

Replicators are used aboard Federation Starships to provide a much wider variety of meal choices to crew members than would be available if actual food stuffs had to be carried and stowed.

Compared to the Transporter,  the requirements for a replicator are rather simple, and it is not plausible why it has been invented about a century after the Transporter. The replicator works on a molecular base, which is sufficient to create food or articles for daily use. It is necessary to store suited raw matter, i.e. matter with the molecular composition required. Usually waste is employed for this purpose. According to the ST TNG Technical Manual, up to 82% of waste on a Starship can be recycled to food. Bon appetite!


TOS 30 years

TOS Line

Last edited by Adge - September 2004

Edition 1.2